An Essential Subject Lost from Law Colleges

There is this one subject which I had to study (thankfully) in law college. For batches that came two years after mine, the subject was not part of the curriculum. It was removed from our university's curriculum after my year.

I haven't done any research on whether it has been removed (~lost) from all law colleges and universities in the world. I know my claim is a bit illogical (or not backed by empirical study), and I make this claim with a lot of presumption.

The subject I'm talking about is the formal study of Logic.

Logic was part of my 2nd year college curriculum. And for some reasons, I had to study the paper twice in the 2nd and 3rd years. Which I think was beneficial. My study was aided by a very good set of notes shared with me by another student two years ahead of me in college. The notes explained everything from fundamental concepts such as word, term, truth, and proposition. I also learnt about syllogism, and formal logical fallacies (I just learnt today that there are informal logical fallacies).

As a former advocate, I think, logic is a key tool in a lawyer's (or any human for that matter) toolkit for arguing (orally or through written submissions). I am currently a software development professional. Logic is a must-have skill in the computer science discipline as well. And I am certain that it would greatly help a lot of judges to sift through illogical arguments raised by arguing counsel.

But yeah, who wants such subjects in one's curriculum when one wants to fit in the most number of subjects one can to get one's students' placement rates high?